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Classmates In Georgia: 150
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Debbie Abbott (Rose)
Eddie Aenchbacher
Peggy Ahrenhold (Gallagher)
Madison Alcorn
Steve Allen
Charles Anderson
J. Christie Anderson (A…)
John Baker
Hayden Banks
Rodney Barnard
Joyce Barnes (Avery)
Pamela Bensen (Gulledge)
Shirley Blakewood (Grotheer)
Rebekah Blount (Prouty)
Shelley Blumberg (Sapp)
Sarah Blumenthal (Gottlieb)
John Bragg
Johnny Bridges
David Bridgman
Johnny Brooks
Greg Burch
Louis Burnsed
Jay Cheek
David Chesnut
Alexis Chiboucad (Donkar)
Alicia Clark (Weaver)
Nancy Cobb (Murphy)
Denise Considine (Thompson)
Roberta Coursey (Lavender)
Earl Cox
Barbara Cramer (Sikes)
Robert Croyle
Ray Crumpton
Debra Dismukes (Pam Cole Grimes)
Caren Downing (Wilson)
Sara Edwards (Connor)
Sherree Ernst (Ernst)
Virginia Fitzgerald-Taft (Fitzg…)
David Futrell
Cynthia Gardner (Harrell)
Garry Gillenwater
Ricky Glendye
Tim Goodwin
Elaine Googe (Pierce)
Elaine Googe (Pierce)
Roger Griswold
Tommy Grooms, III
Glenn Hagin
Janice Hall (Bennett)
Michael Hall
Carol Hammock (Williamson)
Yvonne Harn (Stringer)
Faith Pamela {Pam} Harper (Chapman)
Carter Harvey
Brenda Hay (O'Quinn)
Linda Heidt (Carroll)
Collette Hendrix (Manes)
Jeff Hendrix
Mauvaree Hill (Ferland)
Diane Hilliard (Wilson)
Cindy Hitt (Hanks)
Don Hodges
George Hodges
Sue Hodges (Mathis)
Andy Holloman
Eddie Holmes
Carol Horst
Debbie Hughes (Hodges)
Tom Hunter
Peggy Ireland (Lamy)
Susan Jackson (Kaiser)
Ed Johns
Lynn Johnson (Berry)
Cassandra (Sandee) Joiner
Hugh Justice
Danny Kaiser
Sarah Jane Kennedy (Hendrix)
Bili Kitchings (Sigmon)
Janice Lanier (Helmly)
Jorene Lightsey (Bagley)
Ruth Lorick (Herbison)
Fran MacMillan (Martin)
Sandi Markesteyn (Jordan)
John Marshall
Paul Mazo
Beth McIntyre (Fitzgerald)
Karen Means (Klawin)
Marilyn Miller (Solana)
Gary Mitchell
Nell Molpus (Klein)
Holland Morgan
Roy Morris
Billy Oldfield
John O'Neil
Carl Orvin
Barbara Panch (Cohen)
Carol Parham (Downing)
Jhan Peacock (Humphries)
Lonnie Penton
Russell Perry
Michael Pezan
Debbie Pyles (Broderick)
Arlene Quante (D'Aguillo)
Susan Rahal (Gillenwater)
Whitley Reynolds
Pamela Rhoads (Allen)
Sharon Roberts (Mitchell)
Dorothy Robinson (Smith)
Sally Rountree (Klein)
Cassandra (Sandy) Sapp (Bonner)
Regenia Savanih (Savanich)
Gail Schoch (Sisson)
Lorrie Scoggins (Rumpel)
Greg Sharpe
Suzanne Sheffield (Beall)
Claude Shore (Ginger)
Pete Simmons
Caren Sims (Blackwell)
Curtis Smith
Roy Smith
Tommy Smoak
Libby Southwell (Reinhart)
Gary Sowell
Ellen Sowers (Patridge)
Serena Stillwell (Verner)
Donna Strickland (Bradley)
Kaye Sutton (Burch)
Brenda Tarleton (Lord)
Kirk Thigpen
Emma Thomson (Simon)
Mary Thornton (Sims)
Carol Tinsley (Hendrix)
Vic Turner
Debbie Volks (Hartley)
Linda Kay Walker (Lang)
Brenda Waters (Kelly)
Kenneth Watson
Mike Weathers
Jack Wegener
Alan West
Timothy West
Wayne Whitley
Kathleen Whitten (Whitten)
Marie Wilder (Carver)
Annette Williams (Koonce)
G. David Williamson
Rita Williamson (Butler)
Rickey Winesett
Stephen Woehst
Karen Womble (McBride)